Web3 Library is an initiative to build a digital space for people to collaboratively learn and build web3. From educational content to group discussions, the goal is to make it easier to see beyond the hype and focus on what might be here to stay long term and have positive impact.

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Entrance → Web3 Library (coming soon)

🌻 Initiatives




🏕 Team

Samuel Tang

Tippi Fifestarr


Join us!

Current Project Highlights

Web3 Treasure Map → organize existing high-quality web3 educational content into one place, attempt to figure out how might we help people better understand these materials and what kind of content is still “missing”

Web3 Hackathon Hackathon the Meta-Hackathon 🥳 → a hackathon about hackathon itself, bring people together to think of ways to improve the hackathon experience and explore the world of collaborative innovation

What might a “digital public library” for web3 look like?

📚 A library stores meaningful information.

We live in an age of increasingly abundant information. One of the biggest challenges of our time is to navigate a constant stream of content without losing sight on what’s important and meaningful. Meaningful information gives people the ability to zoom out to see the bigger picture and zoom in to understand things fundamentally.

Deep Dive: Meaningful Information - WIP

👀 A library is an intentional space.

People come to a library with expectation to learn and the space is designed to help people learn. People learn in different ways. Some like videos in the form of lectures or interactive workshops, others might prefer text. Some might need quizzes along the way, others are more project-based or love peer discussions. Being intentionally inclusive is crucial in successfully building a public space, digital or physical.

Deep Dive: Intentional Space - WIP

👋 A library brings communities together.

Library exists on a local level, brings together people with similar background but at the same time welcome anyone regardless of their social status. Bringing people together is the first step in building trust and enabling collaboration. Through having conversations and working on projects, we create shared understanding and empathy.

Deep Dive: Local Communities - WIP

✨ Inspiration