Tippi spent ~1 year in tutorial purgatory, teaching himself the basics of webdev and building simple web apps with terrible UI/UX.

In Spring 2021 he discovered Mintbean and a teammate from his first project recommended the Chainlink Spring Hackathon. Since then he was hooked on hackathons. After 6 months of focused training, he discovered the first fatal flaw of hackathons, namely the TEAM BUILDING PROBLEM.

He spent another 6 months or so building apps that tried to solve this problem (such as World of Hackathon Wingbirds with Vasiliy Gualoto aka Cromewar and FlyTV — Home for Hackathons), all the while improving his R&D, Product, and Design skills.

Finally, he found the Web3 Library, and with @Samuel Tang and @Aire they had a shared vision and started building towards a hackathon about hackathons, the metaHackathon.

Excerpt from team notes for FlyTV — Home for Hackathons.

Excerpt from team notes for FlyTV — Home for Hackathons.