In the forward of Learning to Learn: The Art of Doing Science and Engineering by Richard Hamming, Bret Victor wrote:

For one accustomed to the myopia of day-to-day work in a field, so jammed against the swaggering parade of passing trends that one can hardly see beyond them or beneath them, such shifts in viewpoint are exhilarating - a reminder that information may be abundant but wisdom is rare.

It’s good to be reminded that neither the past nor the future is as determined as we think.


Web3 is a combination of many interesting and challenging topics. There’re big-picture paradigm shifts such as location to content addressing and the decentralization movement at large. And also deeply technical and specific subjects such as computer networking, distributed systems, cryptography, and economics. So, exactly what kind of content should be in this library? First, to leverage existing content, help people make sense of these material with the like of quizzes and visualization. Second, create content from different perspective ranging from background to practical knowledge.