By Samuel Tang & Tippi Fifestarr

Hackathon Hackathon Agenda

Meeting Notes

Hackathon Workshop Workshops

Welcome to metaHackathon(0)!

MetaHackathon One Pager to Sponsors

<aside> 💡 Check out our retrospective article from our July Workshop!

Retrospective on Hackathon Workshop Workshops


What is it? 🏕

A hackathon about hackathons - build to help people team-build, brainstorm, collaborate etc - to improve the hackathon experience! 🙌

Learn more about hackathons?

Why meta-hack? 🌱

Hackathons enable people to explore creative ideas, work within constraints and permissions, and collaborate with friends/strangers. From our experience, we feel that there’s an open opportunity to build tools, design platforms, and create protocols to make hackathons more and more inclusive, accessible, and effective. The goal for a meta-hack is to improve every aspect of a hackathon pipeline: welcome, onboard, team-build, brainstorm, learn, prototype, present, judge and reward.


Long term, we hope to bring more attention to creating the conditions for collaborative innovation in a decentralized and grass-root way. Our ability to collaborate with people defines our capacity for delivering creative solutions. As we face increasingly complex challenges, how might we create better digital environments to drastically increase our capacity to work together and solve problems?

Center for Humane Technology - presentation

Center for Humane Technology - presentation

How does it work? 🚌

Well, this is what we’re currently working on! Both of us have many hackathon experience but it’s our first time creating one, so we’d love to have (and need) all the help we can get 🤓

Our Plan 👀