The metaHackathon is a unique hackathon that is about more than just hackathons. But it is indeed a hackathon about hackathons. It aims to address key issues in team building, inclusiveness, and facilitating effective projects that people keep working on. We believe that there is a lack of plug and play modularity and awareness of solutions to these problems for major hackathons, and we aim to solve this through a variety of methods such as one-on-one team building, workshops about hackathons, peripheral learning and participation, and a competition between different major hackathons.

Our target audience is a maximum of 50 participants, with the goal of providing individualized attention and the ability to connect people and tech sponsors. We will provide study group signup sheets, a "teach anything" opportunity, and a variety of workshops, as well as a list of inspiration projects from past hackathons.

We are seeking sponsorship to assist with judging and to provide a prize pool for participants who meet the sponsor's requirements. In return, sponsors will have their logo on the poster, landing page, and will be recognized during the opening and closing ceremonies. Additionally, sponsors will be provided with a short statement about why they sponsor hackathons.

In summary, the metaHackathon is a unique event that addresses key issues in team building, inclusiveness, and effective projects that people keep working on. We are seeking sponsorship to help make the event a success and provide recognition for sponsors through logo placement and recognition during ceremonies.